It’s Turtle Time!

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Our Director of Mental Health Consultation Elizabeth Appleton led a fun and engaging training with Martin County Head Start for pre-K staff.
They introduced creative ways to recognize children and support families with positive expectations. Mascot Sammy the Turtle and a newly developed theme song – S.W.I.M. The program-wide leadership team is rolling out expectations to families and supporting families in developing positively stated rules with families. In addition, classroom teachers were given material to support teachers in giving positive descriptive feedback to children following the expectations. Then they will have a classroom-wide celebration after they fill up the “turtle” jar.
These type of practices around positive expectations/rules, giving positive descriptive feedback and singing the school-wide theme song will build a sense of community and relationships to support the social-emotional development of young children and aligning with practices for mental health wellness.
Great work Elizabeth!×300.png×300.jpg×300.jpg

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